Saturday, 23 April 2011

God’s choice

God also has a choice.
He could withdraw into the comfort and wonder and love of the triune relationship and simply leave man to get on with it and to muddle through himself. In terms of attributes, he could have done it. And who would blame him if that is what he chooses to do?
Or he could destroy everything he had made, wrapped it all up. He could have treated the whole thing as a great experiment, definitely worth it, but a failed experiment and he could have stopped it right there and then and put an end to it all. In terms of his attributes, his power to do so, he could have done it. And who could stop him if this is what he chooses to do?
But God chooses to continue to love and to redeem what was lost and broken. God continues to extend unconditional Love. His purpose continues to be that man might mature into his Love and become one with him.
Out of Love, God banishes Adam and Eve from Eden. In order to stop evil from having unlimited opportunity, to stop man becoming immortal whilst living in this matrix, not out of anger, God removed the temptation for Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Life by banishing them from the garden.
Because God is true to his character, because he only ever acts out of Love, God does not force himself onto man, but chooses to wait for man to respond to Him. The sadness of it all is that living under the ‘new’ matrix has made it so much harder for man to recognise God’s Love, let alone to respond to it. But that doesn’t mean it is not there. It is! The Bible tells us that nothing can separate us from God’s Love – not death, not life, not angels, not demons, not any other powers (nor Satan himself), not the present, not the future (not even the past!). Nothing in all creation can make God stop being Love and wanting us to be part of that Love!
Out of Love, He sets into motion a long-term plan through which the matrix would be changed once more, through which all that was broken could be restored. He would continue to woo his bride!

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