Wednesday 20 July 2011

The new matrix – now and not yet

And so, through Jesus’ death and his rising again, a new matrix is set in motion, irrevocably this time. Death no longer has a hold on us, the enemy no longer has a claim on us, the way into deep communion with God has been blasted wide open, allowing anyone who chooses to, to turn to God, to connect with God,  to allow God to dwell in them as they choose to open their hearts to him.
If any of what I have said is remotely true, why then does it often not feel like it? If Jesus is the rightful King, where is he? If he has the authority over the world, if he will establish his Kingdom of Love, why is the world is still such a mess and seemingly getting more evil? Why is there still so much suffering? Why are people are still living in fear,  still living weighed down by the rubbish in their lives, by their past, by their failures? People are still dying.
And so many people come to the conclusion that the things of God are simply not true. Or they build their lives around parts of the truth, clinging to them for dear life, like to the debris of a sinking ship, waiting to be rescued, in the vain hope that the debris they are clinging on will end up saving them.
But the good news is - the way the world is now is not the end! The King of Love is coming and he will establish his reign where there will be no more tears, no more sadness, no more suffering  and no more pain. The truth is that the matrix we live in now is a ‘now and not yet’ matrix. Jesus is the rightful King, but his kingdom is not yet fully established. The enemy has been dethroned, but he has not yet been destroyed and being very much alive he still tries to exert his power over us.
The incredible truth is that Jesus, as rightful King, because he is Love, chooses not to impose his rule. Because he is Love, he has chosen to bring about his reign by involving his followers, his brothers and sisters! Now, as it has ever been, it is all about community and all about relationship. 
Scripture talks a lot about us, those who believe him and follow him, being his co-heirs! Jesus wants to give us the opportunity to walk in his footsteps, to follow him and do as he did now he has blasted the way open. His desire is for us to agree to work with him and together to establish his Kingdom, together to bring heaven to earth. We are to pray that His Kingdom be established on earth just as it is in heaven! As his followers, because he wants to share the authority he won back through his victory over the enemy with us, we have the right and the authority to be involved with him in bringing about his Kingdom! Wow!
Essentially that is what the church is (or should be!) all about – his followers banding together, working in partnership and in step with Him, doing as He did when he was on earth, re-presenting Him on earth, and heralding and preparing for his reign by bringing a taste of heaven to earth. Because the rightful King is coming ... and his Kingdom is near.
The truth is - his kingdom is tangible even today for those who seek it. When His kingdom breaks through into our world, there is healing (physical, emotional, spiritual). There is joy. There is a sense of purpose and security. And there is a deep sense of God's presence and a deep realization of his Love. 
The exciting thing is - we can see glimpses of His Kingdom today, in 2011! 
I don't know about you, but I just think - yes! Let is be so! And more! More! More!


  1. Have been having this very conversation with my 7 year old son all this week. Pretty hard for him to grasp why there is so much suffering in the world.

    Mich x

  2. How did it go? Did any of the stuff I have posted help? 7 year olds ask some great questions!
