Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The power of the cross – the breaking in of God’s kingdom

Fifthly, when Jesus took back the authority and deposed the enemy through his death and rising again, Jesus opened the way to us all to become citizens of God’s Kingdom, the realm where God reigns.
The main topic Jesus talked about when he lived on earth about 2000 years ago related to God’s Kingdom, or the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus pointed out to people that there was another kingdom, there was a realm where God is King. Another Kingdom exists and it is a kingdom where Love reigns.
Jesus pointed out to his listeners that God’s Kingdom is not like the kingdoms of this world. The Kingdom of God is not a kingdom of domination or of power. It does not spread because of a leader who conquers and subjects people to his rule. It grows and spreads organically, like a seed that grows into a big tree, or like yeast that affects the whole batch of dough.
In the Kingdom of God, Jesus taught, people are whole. They are free and not oppressed. They submit to the ways of Love, rather than insisting on their rights. It is not people’s status that matters in God’s kingdom. No-one is belittled, no-one is more important than another, everyone is valued and everyone has their part to play. Those who in this world are considered the lowliest because they serve, are the most honoured in God’s kingdom. Those who feel they have nothing to give are among those most welcome in God’s kingdom.
Jesus made it very clear that you can’t become part of God’s kingdom if you think you can earn your place there in any way. Becoming part of God’s Kingdom is always and exclusively by a response to an invitation from the King. Wealth and status become blocks to people who want to become part of God’s kingdom. Jesus shocks people by saying that even living according to the rules of the Kingdom does not earn you the right to be part of it, but says that being part of God’s Kingdom very much depends on a person’s heart and their response towards the King.
“I’ve got good news,” Jesus proclaimed. “The time for God’s Kingdom is near.” God’s Kingdom is not far away, it is not a long time away, it is reachable for anyone who chooses to submit to the King. Jesus supported his message by demonstrating that what we see on earth at the moment, this earthly kingdom dominated by the ‘Prince of the World’, is not the be all and end all. He healed the sick, made the blind see and the lame walk again and freed people from the demons that oppressed them.
Jesus’ resurrection and his re-claiming man’s authority over the world open the door for God’s Kingdom to be established. The throne of the world now rightfully belongs to Jesus and he is and will continue to establish his kingdom. But because he is Love, even as rightful King, he chooses not to impose his reign. Because he is Love, he chooses to partner with us as fellow humans and to bring about his reign organically, not through imposition or conquest. This King is a King of Love and the Prince of Peace. 
And so he invites us to submit to his kingship, to partner with him and together to bring about his Kingdom. God’s kingdom will be established, on earth as it is in heaven, according to the Bible. And we are invited to be part of it.
That is seriously good news!

1 comment:

  1. You are a very blessed and talented lady Ulrike, I can see how God is forming and shaping you. He has something very special in mind for you. I am excitedly watching Him at work in your life. Bless you! x
